20 Jan And…we are back

And …. We are back.
Happy new year to ya’ll. Even if arbitrary, the new year is a time for optimism and hope. It’s been a crazy couple of years, but at the moment I feel pretty high on the future. I feel we are, barring any unforeseen variants, natural disasters or acts of god, headed out of this long, species-wide funk we have been experiencing together.
Covid has been a minefield and we had an exposure right before what would have been one of the busiest times of the year, in the last two weeks of December. Restaurants count on the holiday season to help balance out some of the slower times, and it was no small bit of financial pain in having to close or operate in a limited capacity for what would have been a huge boost towards breaking even (never mind turning a profit).
But, alas, it wasn’t meant to be. We do feel thankful that Covid exposures and positives were relatively small, and no one in our circle seems to be suffering any type of after effects of their brush with the illness. Hurray for science and vaccines!
What does the future hold? I am bullish on a great year. I am hoping for a diminished sense of fear; vaccines, weaker variants, herd immunity and the learning curve on treatment putting Covid further and further into the back of our consciousness. The Bull Valley Roadhouse being open, crowded and a fulfilling place to work in, dine in and operate. Hosting events like weddings and birthdays like years past. The whole team is excited about being able to bring this dream to fruition everyday. But, these are only the first steps toward making the Bull Valley Roadhouse what it has been and always can be, an amazing space, the best cocktails and intentionally sourced and prepared food. We need you.
Like many restaurants hoping to operate post-pandemic, we have raised pay across the board for non salaried/managerial positions and our cost of goods (on a frighteningly steady upward trajectory for years already) have risen even more. We have had to reduce staff and reevaluate every aspect of the business in order to keep it open, a source of enjoyment for our guests and employment for our staff. I am not pissing and moaning, I swear. For all of us it’s more than a job, it’s a calling (and I realize that sounds…weird, but it’s true). I know you have seen a lot written and spoken about on this subject. And I’m not laying this all out for sympathy. It’s just a long-winded preface to say…
Please patronize your favorite restaurants when you have the ability to do so.
Please be kind and understanding to the staff, who are probably spread thinner than normal, and like the rest of the world a bit confused and disoriented by the events of the past few years.
Give feedback on your experiences, but in a way that is mindful of the human effort involved, in a discreet and respectful way. I guarantee any restaurant worth its salt wants you to be pleased when you leave, even if they have failed at any point in your experience.
Like all restaurants that have survived the mass extinction within the industry, this is a make or break year for us in this beautifully unique spot, down a long winding road, under a bridge.
We have a crew I am really excited about, stoked on working together to provide fun, unique and restorative time.
Get on down here when you can; come in for dinner, a couple of pops at the bar, or some beers and burgers in the lounge. And coming very soon, all day Sundays (rumors are eggs will be on the menu).
And if anything doesn’t hit you the right way, or you have any questions, send me an email [email protected], and i’ll make sure and answer.
See ya soon.